I really should just shut up
So a few days ago I noticed that on the course schedule for the upcoming semester I was listed as only teach the intro analytical chem course. I taught this one the past two semesters and expected to be doing that this fall as well, but I was also half expecting to have to teach another course.
See the faculty have to teach a certain number of "credits" per semester. The first year we get a break, only having to teach half the number (3) of credits. So since I last year was my first year and I taught this analytical course I figured it was only worth 3 and I needed to teach more to make it up to 6 for this semester. I was anticipating that I would be teaching a graduate level analytical course, analytical separations. But since it wasn't listed I figured I should check with the chair to see what was up.
Well, after a quick chat I learned that the intro analytical course would be sufficient to count as my 6 credits for this semester... So that means that either I was fucked over last year in teaching twice the load I was supposed to, or I was getting a nice break this fall, which would give me far more time to do research since the course gets easier with each time you do it.
Unfortunately, the joy I felt at having a lighter teaching load for the fall was quickly quashed. A few hours after talking with the chair he realized that I really should be teaching the separations course; I need it for my tenure review and a large number of students had been asking him for it. So now I have to get that course ready in less than a month, which will be real fun since there's no text that is suitable for the course.
Of course had I not said a thing to the chair I would have been left just to teach the intro course and nothing more, leaving me with plenty of free time and far less stress this fall. Now I've effectively doubled, if not tripled my workload for the fall...I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut and let others make their mistakes, particularly if they benefit me.
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