Monday, May 02, 2005

New phone number

I guess this week I will probably start to do something that is a bit more like work. Ok, so I'll be going to a safety training seminar tomorrow afternoon, but it needs to be done before I can start doing the nano-fabrication necessary for my project.

Other than that I now have a cell phone that works down here without the nasty roaming fees. The new number is 612-770-6189 (the last digits are strangely similar to my old number). So if you want to give me a ring feel free to do so.

Oh I did a quick little calculation of what the health insurance will cost me for the year, it's going to be roughly $4,000! Pretty scary, lucky for me the university covers most of that, about $300/month and I only need to pay $30/month. But still when you think that the whole of my taxes last year in Canada was probably less than $4,000 you have to wonder about this system.

Anyway nothing greatly important happening down here, it's just cold and a bit snowy/raining. I will finally be going to Ikea this evening to get furniture. Hopefully it will arrive mid-week and I can stop sleeping on the floor.

I miss you all and sorry if I've been slow in writing personal e-mails, it's just taking some time to settle in. I will get back to all of you shortly though.


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