Friday, May 25, 2007

Fuel efficiency is bad...and dangerous for America

Wow. I always new that the people that ran car companies were fucking assholes, but they are stating to seem more and more like they're Big Oil's bitches.

You can follow this link to a statement put out by the Union of Concerned Scientists about a classy ad campaign that the auto industry has started. It seems that they want to prevent the government from increasing fuel efficiency standards. And how do they do it? Well there are a couple of audio ads that typify the methods.

Ad #1: Use fear of losing our freedom and paint politicians as "others" who don't know what's good for us and want to take away our trucks. I'm surprised they didn't somehow tie it to taking away gun racks and guns.

Ad #2: Use fear again, only this time it's about our safety. They will take away your big safe car and put you at risk. And somehow changing the fuel we use will keep America that a veiled reference to terrorism? If so wouldn't needing to use less gas keep America equally safe, and sooner than waiting for a magically efficient fuel cell?

It's good to see that the social manipulation lessons that the Republicans have taught us are being put to good use...


Blogger Rebecca said...

Here in Seattle we also get the joy of anti-public transportation radio ads. Because, apparently, the horrendous traffic isn't enough to convince people that we need fewer cars on the roads. People would rather sit in traffic in their own car for an hour then fight for a parking spot than take a 1/2 hour bus ride. Or, god forbid, ride their bike.

9:59 a.m.


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