Thursday, May 03, 2007

My password was censored?

I'm not sure how many of you use online banking at this point, I do and I like it. Of course there is the whole security issue to it, which may or may not be effective. I recall a story from a few months back that the latest practice, having a set image and phrase/word that you select appear to prove that the site is valid, can be pretty easily circumvented...though that was mostly due to individual laziness at not paying attention to the phrase and/or image they were shown.

Well, I'm pretty sure I mentioned this before, but the US banking system is just kind of odd, and frankly it seems a bit antiquated. Hell, I still see people paying for groceries with a cheque, why do this? It takes so much longer and you obviously have an account and the debit reader is right there...but I won't go into the idiocy of tradition in this country. Anyway, I don't know if there are any fully national banks in this country, there are plenty of regional ones, which in my opinion reduces the quality; they don't have the resources and/or expertise to implement effective complex practices.

One example of this is my TCF account; they have taken ages in improving the security measures for the online banking, now I think I found out why it took so long. What I found when I signed in today was an updated security system, requiring you to create a phrase and answers to three questions and you are given a set image (it would have been nicer to chose my own from a list like I did with ING). So this was all good and it looked promising. I made my phrase, selected my questions (laughing at the stupidity of the questions and even suggestions that go with them) and wrote in answers. Then the system had to verify that the answers fit the guidelines, suck as number of characters and no symbols (apparently ! and ' are symbols and not punctuation, so that's good to know), and this is where I learned what took them so long to install the security system. It turns out that it has a LANGUAGE filter! That's right, I cannot chose certain words because they are "inappropriate"!

Who asked the bank so censor my language anyway? After all, I should be the ONLY person to see the words that are used in accessing my account, it's not like anyone should be offended by my password. So what's the big deal if I want to use the word "Bitch" as the phrase with the picture, it was a picture of fucking dog anyway! First it was my phone, now my bank account passwords, what will be censored next...probably this blog, I swear too fucking much, but tough shit, if you don't like it don't read it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is Hillarious!!! Americans are soo funny.

how goes married life?

11:56 a.m.

Blogger Christopher Robin said...

Married life is good, though it's not like we're living in the same city or anything...but that will change Monday when Deirdre moves back to town. So yeah, married life is going great!

12:45 p.m.


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