Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Cell phone censorship

I noticed this a month of two back, around the time that my old phone was starting to really die. It was then that I learned that the cell phone company will seemingly regularly update the software in your phone without you knowing it, all you have to do is turn the phone off and on (they suggest once a day).

What I noticed was that when I was sending text messages using the predictive text (or T9) function certain words just wouldn't come up. Now these were words that I would use regularly in conversations and had been coming up previously. You know those really useful words like fuck, shit, damn, bitch, crappy. They were all gone! In fact unlike other words (and times in the past) the phone would no longer "learn" these "new" words.

Now this can lead to a lot of confusion if you aren't paying attention to what is appearing on the screen, since you would think the words are obvious. So instead of a meaning full statement you end up with:

"Duck that econ piece of shiv!"
(you should be able to figure out what that means on your own)

Anyway, this problem has been partially resolved with my new as I can directly add words to the dictionary. But it really makes me wonder, why are those words left out in the first place? After all can't you find them in the Merriam-Webster dictionary? In fact you can look up the words and they will even pronounce them for you.

Now I know that this isn't censorship, but it was an active effort to make it more difficult to use "dirty" language. I suppose some Republican house wife accidentally texted her husband and said: "We are having fuck tonight." Causing consternation on all sides because we know that open discussions of sex/sexuality/drugs...anything other than blind conformity is bedlam. Just think of the children!!! Let's face it, if the kid is over the age of ten and doesn't use the work fuck on a regular basis, there's something wrong with the little fucker. If learning certain words or things didn't cause your head to implode your child can probably learn them at any time without any harm...other than your precious delusions of what the real world is like.

Ok, I don't really know why they made that change but I'm ducking pissed off about it still. Oh great, there's another word I need to enter!


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