More Bumper Stickers
I know that I've commented on bumper stickers before, but I saw a really good set on Saturday that I think needs to be shared.
The first one I noticed read: "Criminals prefer unarmed victims". Fair enough I buy that concept. But is that the best argument the gun-nuts can come up with? I mean seriously, when was the last time the following scenario played itself out:
Robber- "Excuse me sir do you have a gun on your person?"
Victim- "Why no I do not."
Robber- "Excellent, may I please have you wallet now. And thank you for not carrying a gun."
Serious unless you've got an AK-47 strapped across your back a criminal will not know you have a gun. So what good is having a gun? I guess the argument goes that if the criminal has a gun and you have a gun you can defend yourself. But are you that fast on the draw and that good a shot that you can beat a criminal in a gunfight when he probably has a gun pulled on you already? Hell this isn't the old west and you aren't John Wayne. By carrying a gun the chances of shots being fired and consequently people getting injured/killed goes way up. On top of that if you are caught by surprise and don't get to use your gun said criminal may in fact end up with more guns than he started with! Is this what we want? I really think a bit of gun control is a good idea, obviously the US does not as they allowed the rules prohibiting the sale of automatic weapons to expire.
Now some of you may recall that the above is my rant on only one of the bumper stickers. The other sticker that was in prominent view read "I support Bush and our Troops." This one is kind of funny because it seems that during the last election down here, it was made out to be that the Bush supporters were for the troops, whereas the Kerry supporters were against the troops. Obviously this is horrid logic, it's absolutism, which is rarely every right (I won't say never right because that would be rather ignorant of me). More accurately though how exactly is Bush supporting the troops? I would see supporting them as putting them in the least possible danger, not keeping them in the closest thing to Vietnam since the Russians moved into Chechnya. Wouldn't bringing them home alive to be safe and with their families be a more effective form of support. That bumper sticker really should read "I support Bush's efforts to help his oil buddies, damn the cost." Ok maybe that's a bit much, but you really do have to wonder about the motivations to invade Iraq. After all, they still haven't found bin Ladin yet have they?
Oh and just in case you were wondering what kind of vehicle this person was driving, ok it was probably a white man but I didn't check, it was an SUV. But it gets better, SUVs are big right, they are supposed to be able to do more than the family car and be a bit like a pick-up truck right? Well this yahoo was towing a boat trailer, so that he could have his bar-b-que on it, rather than in the back of the SUV. I suppose he didn't want to risk getting the upholstery dirty. Sometimes I just have to hang my head and wonder if people will ever figure out the right way to do things.
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