Monday, June 06, 2005

More and more things I've learned

So it has been a while since I posted about the things I have learned down here. Perhaps I'm learning less and less, but I think I'm just becoming more and more sensitized to the folly that I see and just forget to post it. But here are a few more items that I have learned:

  1. People will run outside when they hear gun shots - now to me this is just plain stupid, and at least the person who told me that they did this admitted as much, but just the same, he did run outside, personally I'd hug the floor.
  2. Did you know that morbidly obese is not the last ranking on that scale? - you would think that the only thing after mobidly obese would be dead, but no, there is "super morbidly obese" and "super super morbidly obese". You know to me these terms are too nice, it should be something like "fucking morbidly obese" and "fucking disgustingly morbidly obese" these people don't need to be coddled, they need to get their shit together if they want to live.
  3. People in general seem to have little respect for others - I've seen people all over just spit without care, it seems like just about anyone will spit in the street at any time, even people who are well dressed and look like professionals. Walk home one night some guy sitting at the corner almost spat on me, it's just bloody gross and rude.
  4. Americans don't understand the concept of walking somewhere - most of those I know are shocked when I say that I will walk back from downtown to my place (~20 minutes) or even walks as short as about 10 blocks, maybe I can understand point number 2 a bit better now that I think of it.
  5. People from the mid-west (where I am now) seem to be rather sheltered - one of the girls in the lab is from here, does not want to move away when she's done, and Saturday night was the first time she tried hummus in her life. That was actually the first time she had heard of it, as well as a brie cheese (I think). And I thought people in Alberta were sheltered.
  6. You will see all kinds of people/things on the bus if you pay attention - this morning I saw what I'm certain was a ankle bracelet (the police kind not jewelry) as well as someone who may qualify for "super morbidly obese" there are all kinds of interesting people to see, to top it all off, nobody wants to sit next to anyone else, unless they're a little 'touched'.
  7. People either have an intense fear of being run over in traffic, or none at all - the people I work with are deathly afraid of being run over, the people around my place will walk out in front of a moving bus without a care in the world. Admittedly the people around my place may fall more into the 'touched' category, even if it is only due to chemicals, but I'm certain that I'm going to see someone get hit one of these days.
  8. And apparently the appropriate response for almost being cut off in traffic is to take your eyes off the road, lay on the horn, almost try to jump out the passenger window while yelling like an insane fool and shaking your fist, all while still driving at full speed - I honestly saw all this while waiting for a bus, I was sure the guy was going to have a heart attack he was so agitated
So that's about it for now, as always life is entertaining and interesting. I have to admit though, even through all this I'm enjoying myself. Saturday night while walking home I came across an art fair that was wrapping up for the night a few blocks from my place. A DJ was playing some old school hip hop (OPP I think) to a small audience of kids and adults while most of the nearby front steps had people just hanging out listening to the tunes. It brought a smile to my face and a little bounce to my step, it was really cool to see/hear on a hot summer night.


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