Tuesday, July 26, 2005

And another nice guy gets the ax

Before I get into this post I want you all to know that despite the content of the post I'm not depressed with relationships or anything of that sort. I know that the 'nice guys' can get the girls, in fact they get the great ones, my friends are all proof of that. But that being said I do find it entertaining (in a morbid fashion) to see how nice guys can get the shaft easily. So without further ado (why the hell am I using such a strange word?) here is further evidence of good guys finishing last.

This case revolves around a friend who was dating a guy for a number of months. When he left for a month or so on duty (he's an army guy) she happened to find out a few things about him. Namely she found some pretty convincing evidence that he was cheating or about to cheat on her. So this obviously stressed her out quite a bit. Fortunately said 'good guy' happened to fall into the picture. So they get along great while the boyfriend is away, they spend lots of time together and anyone who sees them knows something is going on, or about to. Now I distinctly remember the girl saying that after spending an evening with the guy, doing nothing in particular, she had felt as though she was "I was completely swept off my feet, [the boyfriend] never made me feel like that." When the boyfriend gets back in town she breaks up with him, even having the 'good guy' and a number of us help move her stuff out after a week of trying to see if they can share the place.

So what happens next? Is it the storybook ending where she rides off into the sunset with the 'good guy'? Well the title of the post gave that one away, unless you didn't read the title in which case you just did now and you know what happens. It seems that even though the 'good guy' did everything right, even sent her flowers while he was away for a week, he gets squat. The girl recently commented that she is jealous of a friend who is going out on dates (oh, this is the one who is starting to see the jerk from a previous post). So despite the fact that she has this 'good guy' eating out of her hand, a guy who swept her off her feet, something the guy she was about to move in with had never done, she isn't interested.

There is something seriously wrong here! Ok, I do realize that the whole recent break up from a rather serious relationship is a factor, but still, you would think that finding a great guy would be enough. Oh and for the record the guy is quite good looking too, so it's not like that's a potential deterrent. All of this does make me wonder what it takes to win a girls heart? Because if you get her singing your praise about sweeping her of her feet and yet still get nothing in the end, how are you ever going to win?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...it sure sounds like she likes to play games. She probably likes all the attention she gets from the "good guy" b/c it makes her feel good. I dont think it is unusual for people to do that, especially if the jerk was going away. The thing I don't understand is why she went back to him once he returned, if she knew he was (or was going to) cheat on her. She must have forgotten how bad he really was while he was away. That's about as good I can rationalize!Maybe, if she is lucky, she will realize just how good she has it with the good guy and ditch the bad guy.

3:21 p.m.


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