Monday, November 07, 2005

More people sound off on babies.

As you have all become well aware, I'm not one to devote posts to other peoples blogs. But since two of the blogs that I regularly read happened to recently post about the whole parent vs non-parent idea I figured I may as well link them.

From what I can tell, neither of these authors read my blog, and likely don't even know that I exist, not that I would expect them to. Well maybe the one in Calgary might, I have commented on her blog a few times.

Anyway here they are, one from California, one from Alberta, both going off about the same little tirade I had last week.

I would suggest keeping an eye on both their blogs, I find them fun to read. Though be forewarned, the one from California has an interesting theme on Wednesday posts, let's just say you may not want to check them in the office...hell if you are a guy you probably don't want to check it at all until about Friday just in case.


Blogger Avatar said...

You're a regular? You've never made a peep! Feel free to contribute sometime. ;-)

That aside, I agree with you on the baby thing, obviously. And beyond that lies my confusion as to why people take the things pseudononymous writers (like you and I) say so darn personally.

2:17 p.m.

Blogger Christopher Robin said...

Avatar - Yes, I've been regularly reading you blog for about 5-6 months now. I think I may have said something once or twice. You're right I should comment more though, but what can I contribute to Cockbloging Wednesdays...I'm not up to providing any material for you at this point ;)

As for those who take things personally, well they are just unable to grasp the simple concept that the world does not revolve around them.

Thanks for stopping by and I promise to make more comments on your blog in the future.

2:30 p.m.

Blogger Christopher Robin said...

Oh, and just so that you don't think I have a Winnie the Pooh fetish, Christopher Robin is in fact my real first and middle name. The Winnie the Pooh fetish may have been my parent's but there are somethings I would just rather not know.

2:31 p.m.

Blogger Avatar said...

Heh. No worries. I don't care if you have a little furry love lurking beneath the surface... I still dig your perspective on things.

11:29 a.m.


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