Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I'm going to hell, there's no doubt about it.

Why do you ask am I going to hell? Is it because I want to push slow moving people down the stairs? Because I want to beat morons about the head with an encyclopedia in the hope of literally beating some sense into them? Or is it because I want to force pro-life activists to adopt a baby every time they go out to protest (seriously, if they care about the fetus so much they can take care of it...any takers out there? Didn't think so). Maybe it's because I keep cursing every time I hear about Bush in the news and it doesn't involve his assassination? Any bets that my cell phone will be tapped by NSA by the end of the day? Hell with statements like that I'll likely find myself in Guantanamo (a.k.a. where freedom goes to die) by the end of the week...oh well, it was likely to get cold here sooner or later.

No the real reason is because I have a sick and twisted mind, not like a catholic priest who has a thing for the little boys, I'm sick in where my thoughts will go under certain circumstances. This morning was a great example.

In the news I noticed that there was a shooting in California. Yeah, not much of a big deal, well it gets more interesting when you realize it was a postal worker who went off the deep end...it's about time, I was wondering what this country was coming to when even the postal workers weren't shooting each other. But that wasn't my hell worthy thought, my thought that was worthy of the dark prince himself was "I wonder if they've updated the postal shootings tour t-shirt at T-shirt Hell yet?".

If you haven't been there yet check it out. This site specializes in offensive and absolutely wrong t-shirt slogans. And because they are so wrong they are funny, well at least to those of us going to hell. One of my particular favorites is in baby hell. Check them out have a guilty laugh or two and then repent, unless you want to join me in hell.

Oh, just for the record, they didn't update the site until later in the day...that's right, I thought of the change before they got to it at T-shirt Hell...well, no more cold winters for me I guess.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not as offensive as I would like, but this one caught my eye

1:07 p.m.

Blogger NewYorkMoments said...

Honey---Trust me...you maybe taking a ride to Hell on the bus, but I'll be driving it!

By the way, hysterical post :-)

3:46 a.m.


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