Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Get rich off the dumb people.

As some of you may have come to realize I don't tolerate stupid people very well. I mean sure, we all have our moments when it would appear that we are still sedated from the lobotomy, that I can tolerate, hell those moments in life are funny. What I can't stand are the people who just cannot think for themselves. I saw this a lot when I taught chem labs. The best question being "Do I add this now?" as the student holds up a beaker of clear liquid. So this would be which of the six experiments? That would be what chemical? And what f*ing stage of the experiment are you at? People like that annoy the hell out of me.

I have realized one thing however, if I want to get rich quickly I need dumb people in the world. After all, it's far easier to get a million dumb fools to give you $20 than it is to get twenty millionaires to give you a million dollars each. So I guess the big question is what do stupid people need...well brains, so I guess the better question is, what do they want?

Now if I'm going to target the largest consumer group in the US I need to hit on a few key topics:
  • Jesus - hey, it worked for Bush
  • Oiled-up men in tights - wrestling has a huge following
  • Oprah - let's face it, she's got her own cult, hell if she wasn't black and a woman she could be president
  • Some kind of loud engine - preferably a "Hemi", what the hell is the deal with Hemi's anyway?
  • Patriotism - cover the damn thing in red, white and blue with little stars and you'll sell millions
  • Any form of celebrity gossip - though about pretty people and/or babies will do best
I think I have it! I need to have a born-again Christian wrestler touring around the country in some massive US flag painted pick-up truck doing daily a celebrity gossip show as a spin-off from his appearance on Oprah. That will at least get me an hour of daytime TV, and considering that I saw a whole room full of undergrads watching some twit on "Ellen" sing about being the "Geek in pink" while doing the robot, I figure the money will just come rolling in. After all, these kids are the bright young minds of the next generation...damn, we're screwed aren't we?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You "need to have" a born-again Christian wrestler touring around the country in some massive US flag painted pick-up truck doing daily a celebrity gossip show as a spin-off from his appearance on Oprah......or are you going to be that person??????

4:34 p.m.

Blogger Christopher Robin said...

Great idea ~D.

Meesh, it should be obvious by my build that I would never satisfy the wrestler criteria, and we won't have to go into the other details. I would see myself more as his manager or agent, you know, someone to 90% off the top ;)

6:56 p.m.

Blogger NewYorkMoments said...

If you don't mind me stating the obvious...stupid people need anything that
A. a bunch of other people have
B. stuff that other people tell they should have

3:43 a.m.


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