Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I'm back, baby!

Ok, so after a longer than anticipated hiatus from the blog, to do a long ass road trip to Pittsburgh, Montreal and back to Pittsburgh (with a flight back to Minneapolis), I'm back at it. Obviously things have changed a bit. Call it boredom, or probably more appropriately blog envy, but after helping Deirdre set up her new blog I wanted something flashy too. So I put all my 3l33t coding skillz (yes they are that good that I have to mangle the most simple words to show that I'm hip) to work for me, copying other peoples photos from Flickr and bastardizing someones blog template with them. But hey, I kind of like the way it turned out.

So if you've been paying any attention at all you know that Deirdre has moved to Pittsburgh. Obviously this is great for her since she gets to go to grad school at a great school in a really neat program. Even more obvious is the fact that it really kind of sucks having your girlfriend live about 1400 km (870 miles) away. But that's just the way it's going to be for the moment. So in terms of the blog I don't want to let it get all mopey and sad. I could easily do that but that's not going to help anything. And more importantly it won't entertain anyone, which is clearly my primary goal...unless you are entertained by my pain?

So when I got back to the apartment on Monday I had some work ahead of me. Not only was the place full of boxes (seriously, I love my girlfriend but she went nuts on the number of boxes she thought she would need) but most of my stuff was out in the garage. By the way, I'm not sure how many of you know this, but boxes and box factories really stink (wow the immature guys out there are killing themselves on that one, right CMac and Aaron?) . Anyhow, the place is finally taking shape and I might have some pictures up shortly. The one downside to the place now is that I seem to have had some guests move in while I was away, small, and not so small, multiple legged guests. So maybe it's best that Deirdre isn't around at the moment, after having had to kill about 6 bugs in two days and one return visitor in the bedroom I don't think she would be too happy to be here right now.

Anyway that's about it for now, I hope you enjoy the new look of the blog and hopefully I can post more regularly. Oh and keep an eye on my "friends blogs" links, it should now tell you if they have posted something new recently. What can I say, I live to serve.


Blogger Sascha said...

Chris, your pain totally entertains me. Ok, well, maybe not so much. But what entertains me even less is pictures of bugs, so keep up the non-bug-picture posts!

8:01 a.m.

Blogger pacatrue said...

Like the new template by the way.

12:47 a.m.


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