Thursday, July 07, 2005

Back in town...well shortly

So as many of you know, Colin and Kathryn are getting married this summer, the exact date is August 6th. I was graciously chosen to be best man in the wedding, which is quite an honour, but also requires me to make my way back to Edmonton, after having been gone for what seems to be only a short while.

I finally got my flights planed and I will be flying in on Tuesday the 2nd (admittedly I don't get in until ~11:30 pm) and I'll be in town until the morning of the 9th. Of course that means a massive amount of running around will take place in those few days that I'm back. I don't even want to think about the scheduling challenges at the moment, needless to say though my social life will take a drastic upswing from its current lull. I do hope to be able to see all of you again, but if you want any specific moment of my time e-mail me in advance. Obviously though there are a few major events that will necessitate my presence: Burnd's Day, wedding stuff, hopefully a bike ride with ERTC (probably the hill circuit). Other than that though I will be looking for things to do during the week day afternoons that I'm there, though maybe sleeping then might be a good idea...

Anyway I guess the only other thing to figure out is where I will be staying. I recall a number of you offering room if I needed it, though unfortunately I've forgotten exactly who those people were so I can't hold you to your word. Though if enough of you are willing to have me I can be spread around as to not annoy anyone one person too much ;) I may even check in with Todd and see if I can get a room in my old place for a week, at least that way I won't need to get a key.


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