Sunday, May 08, 2005

Homeland Security Strikes Again

As most of you know I'm not overly fond of the US government and a lot of what they do. Perhaps they know about this and that would at least allow for a logical explanation of why things are going wrong.

To get you up to speed you should know that before I left Edmonton I used UPS to ship most of my goods down to me here in Minneapolis. It seemed like a cheap and logical choice. Well I've been here almost 2 weeks and my boxes of stuff, including 2 bicycles, are back in Edmonton. The broker there has been helpful in getting some information about my situation and has recently learned from customs why my goods were rejected; apparently I'm not allowed to live in the US! This is rather surprising; the same organization that says this is the one that stamped my damn visa, allowing me to live in the US! But I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, this is only a branch of "Homeland Security" and after all they shouldn't be having internal communication problems now should they...

I wonder how safe Americans would feel if they knew just how stupid their systems really are?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you need any help sorting your stuff out to get it to you, just let me know!!!

11:13 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm getting my wisdom teeth out by a Dr. Chris Robinson!!!! I thought it was funny!!!

11:14 a.m.

Blogger Christopher Robin said...

Thanks for the offer to help, though I think at this point things are getting sorted out. Though I am feeling the need to vent at UPS after this latest gaff.

Good luck with the wisdom teeth, I don't know if I would trust a dentist with a name so close to mine. At least I certainly wouldn't trust myself with any dental work.

10:34 a.m.


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