Friday, December 09, 2005

Popularity contest

Yeah, so maybe I'm actually only competing with myself, but it's a competition just the same. You might of course be asking: how does one keep score? Well the easiest way is the site meter. It's kind of fun, it lets me see where all my visitors are coming from, and how they got here. Most already have the link bookmarked, others have come across it by hitting the 'next blog' button (don't hit it, trust me, there is only crap on the other blogs, this is as good as it gets). The other interesting thing to see are those that find me through running searches. Some of these searches make sense, others not so much. Below are the list of searches used by the last 100 people to visit my blog:

  • "cmac" blog
  • orwell critisim 1984
  • christmas music carol of the bells
I was hoping that there would be some more to add to the list, I have seen a couple of really strange ones in the past. But since I've been getting so many hits the history of the last 100 is about 2-3 days worth of yay me, I'm popular. I'm really quite glad that this little expriment has turned out so well. Most know that this was done so that I could keep in touch with friends back in Edmonton, to let them know what was going on. Well, since then I've picked up a few more readers and I'm glad to have them contributing through the comments on the blog.

But if I keep posting such self-centered pointless entries I figure I'm going have yet another month of decline in my readership. So hopefully I can make up for it by giving you a link to a much more well written blog, so swing by Deirdre's blog, if you were willing to read this crap you deserve to read something funny as a reward.


Blogger NewYorkMoments said...

Self-centered and pointless? Ummmm...isn't that what blogs are all about???

2:52 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! that site meter is freaky!

tells me right where I am... scary

7:56 a.m.

Blogger CMac said...

Dang, I'm the number one search, baby!

But don't check out my blog for a little bit... I just got back from Hawai'i and need to update it.

6:09 p.m.

Blogger Christopher Robin said...

LOL. After I did my little rant about Christmas music I was getting several hits a day by searches for "Cheech and Chong santa clause and his old ladie" and "Bob and Doug's 12 days of Christmas".

6:39 a.m.


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