Friday, February 03, 2006

Plan B

So a couple of days ago I was going to write a blog about the refusal of some pharmacists to carry the Plan B contraceptive (a.k.a. the morning after pill) on moral grounds. The blog started off ok but then quickly degenerated into one of my now familiar attacks on the US government. So in order to show that I'm more than a one trick pony (and draw less attention to myself) I thought it better to make an entry about going to hell with the whole crew from T-Shirt Hell.

Well last night while browsing the news stories on Google News I saw yet another story related to a lawsuit, this time against Wal-Mart, for their reluctance to carry the Plan B pill. So I guess it's a sign, I've got to speak up...because the dozen people who read this blog, mostly from Canada, have a huge impact on the social politics in the US...meh, let's face it, this pony only really has one trick and I want to vent.

I guess I can start off with a simple question really, what does it matter if a woman uses the morning after pill? Seriously, who does it hurt? Hell in most cases that it's used there was probably no pregnancy in the first place, but was simply done as a precaution, a desire to avoid waiting a couple of months to find out and then have an actual abortion (and I'm sure that the waiting would be damn stressful). And let's face it, how many people are going to use it as birth control. Do you really want to have to run out to the pharmacy the next day after you have sex just to pick up a pill? Fuck no, you have other things to do. See the morning after pill is a wonderful thing in case the condom breaks, or you get drunk and have unprotected sex...those kind of situations.

Now pharmacies all sell birth control, hell I can only imagine how much revenue that generates. On top of that they certainly sell condoms, though how many of those are used for transporting drugs in someone's stomach is anyones guess. So what is so different about the morning after pill?

Well to the religious right (those running the US government at the moment) this is the same thing as abortion. Hell, I'm sure that if they thought they could get away with it they would ban the sale of condoms and birth control. Hell, according to the CDC (no that is not a link to the CDC, I found the information once, but I can no longer find their plan to combat HIV/AIDS and I have to go to a meeting, fact check for your own damn selves if you must) the number one defence against the transition of AIDS is abstinence...ok, now how about a realistic preventative measure. And I'm curious, can students in high schools get condoms from vending machines in the bathrooms, or is it better for them to bring their infants to Home Ec. so they can all learn how to change a diaper?

Now I have one last question for those of the religious right (like they read this blog). According to you life is sacred right? So abortions are wrong, am I correct here? I thought so, now why is it then that the death penalty is allowable? Shouldn't there be a whole turn the other check see I think you are misinterpreting that as turning a blind eye to your own two-faced behaviour...but maybe that's just me?


Blogger NewYorkMoments said...

These sick bastards are trying to take away my reproductive rights. The next thing you know, it'll be a law that all women must remain pregnant and in the kitchen, and submit to "marital relations" on their husband's command (even if it's after he came back from banging a hooker or his current "mistress"), and all of this while wearing a burkha.

3:36 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interestingly, the pharmacy I used to work at sold the pill at cost (ie no dispensing fee) and thus no profit. But man did we sell a lot of it! We also sold "the morning after pill", which was just two doses of strong birth control pills. The two people I remember the most were the one girl who got it and said "Thank God we have access to this! Have a great day!" and the one who was so freaked out she was shaking and her boyfriend had to do the buying. Anyway you cut it, it was apparently not a pleasant thing to go through (according to the pharmacists) and they STRONGLY recommended buying a bottle of Advil and a bottle of Gravol (for the nausea, in case they don't have it where you are). I bet most women going through it once would not want to go through it again but I do believe you should have that right. Also, I believe the pharmacists here have the right to refuse to sell the morning after pill, but don't quote me on that.

4:00 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pharmacists and thus the pharmacy have the right to refuse the dispense the morning after pill, due to whatever reason (religion or just moral values). They must notify their boss though and the other employees. I think they should still have this right b/c they're not preaching to customers, they won't dispense it. And it's pretty much guaranteed you'll be able to get is somewhere at one of the million pharmacies. And yes, gravol is a must, b/c if you throw up within 1-3 hours, you probably didn't absorb the pill and you'll have to get another one.

Some pharmacies don't charge a dispensing fee. But there is actually a lot of counselling that should go along with selling this pill so I think there should indeed be a fee for the counselling (which certain insurance providers will cover).

I also think people should have access to this. You're not killing a baby b/c it's not even formed, and I think the bible says something about it not being a 'person' until the 3rd week or smth (don't quote me on that as I got that off Grisam on CSI!)

10:51 a.m.


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