Tuesday, July 05, 2005

A question for you:

Since this has been chewing at the back of my mind for a while I figure I might as well make a blog posting out of it and see what you guys think. As you all know by now I meet a really nice girl (Kelly) soon after I arrived here and things started to look promising as far as relationships go, well if you neglect the minor fact that she’s going to be in San Diego until October. You are hopefully also aware that I had been a bit hung up on the fact that she may in fact not be coming back as she is trying to decide whether or not to make the Coast Guard a full time career.

Well since that aspect presented itself, about the same time as my last post about her, I’m not quite sure what has happened between us. Around that same time we stopped talking as often on the phone. When I would call it would seem that she was always busy, and well she seems to have simply stopped calling. On top of all this though the past two weekends she has said that she will call, yet did not. I find if particularly funny that two weeks ago when we did speak mid-week she said that she corrected herself when she said she would try to call and made it she will call me that weekend. Though as she said this something in the back of my mind said sarcastically, “yeah, right”, sure enough the cynical part of me was right. The same occurred this weekend, though this time the statement was made through a 1 line e-mail, in response to a more substantive e-mail I had sent her. Yet again there was no call, and this weekend was a long weekend on top of that.

Now of course I don’t particularly care, well I guess I do somewhat otherwise why would I take the time to write this? I guess what is pissing me off is that it seems as though I have been unceremoniously dropped from her life. Not that I need a big deal to be made of it, though an acknowledgement of the fact that there is no longer time for me would be appreciated. On top of all this there was a short letter that I sent her with some stuff she needed from her apartment the week after she left. In it the only thing I asked of her was that she be honest with me. For I truly don’t mind if she finds someone else, or loses interest in me, frankly I more or less expect both to happen, and may already have. I just wanted to know when my time was up as it were.

So now I’m left with a bit of a dilemma, do I make a point of calling her on her failure to keep her word, or do I just let go as I have done so far? I’m not the type of person to turn things into a guilt-trip, certainly not over something which in the grand scheme of things is rather minor. In the end I don’t know if I would be any happier if I were talking with her frequently anyway. I guess what it comes down to is that I don’t appreciate when people break their word; I always try to keep my word, and generally feel shitty when I don’t. I would hope that others would not give me their word so carelessly, but alas…

So lets put this to a vote, should I make mention of it or should I let it go?*

*Please note that as I am not a formal democracy, and infact an autocratic dictatorship, I will chose to follow the voice of the masses only if I feel like it and it suites my need. But I just thought it would be fun to make you think you had some control in my choices ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

fuck 'er. sell the car and let college kids hold frat parties in her house.

10:13 p.m.

Blogger CMac said...

Damn, some anonymous guy beat me to it.
Whoever you are, anonymous, I would like to buy you a beer and subscribe to your newsletter.

4:17 p.m.

Blogger Christopher Robin said...

Not too sure who the anonymous poster is but it looks like their IP address is from Toronto. Either way you too do seem to share a common mind.

7:58 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say always put the same amount of effort into the relationship as she does--even if that ends up meaning you both stop trying and wind up drifting apart.

I don't think relationships work when one person is making most or all of the effort. There has to be balance, but unfortunately that's pretty much impossible to create if it's not there from the beginning.

9:14 a.m.

Blogger Christopher Robin said...

Cory, I think you are absolutely right on this one. Which is why at the moment I'm simply counting the days, more out of curiosity than anything else...hey does anyone want to start a pool on when I will hear from her next? Winner gets the car for a week! I'll even drive it up to Edmonton if someone there wins ;)

1:26 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Toronto? you suck.

The book made it to the post office but I haven't picked it up yet, thanks.

3:53 p.m.

Blogger Christopher Robin said...

Haha, sorry Mike. It was only a guess on the IP address in the log, obviously it's not too exact. I should have known who it was by the "college kids" comment.

So CMac, next time you're in Montreal I'll give you my brother's number so that you can call him up and buy him that beer. As for the newsletter, it's kind of sporadic, often late to arrive, usually done in crayon, definitely not worth the subscription fees.

4:01 p.m.

Blogger CMac said...

What, there's another one of you out there? Scary!
Actually, I'll be driving through Montreal when I head home. Probably in September. I'll have to pay up then.

10:46 p.m.


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