At least I'm as dumb as my boss
So after I hastily posted the last blog entry I ran up to the room that our lab always has it's meeting in. As I got there, thinking I was late (though the person giving the presentation had been in my office when I left) I was surprised to see that there were several students in the room grading exams. Now this is a rather regular occurrence at a university, rooms will often be taken over by groups without regard to the booking schedule. Add to it the fact that my boss showed up moments later and I figured it was just the usual.
So we stood around chatting for a couple of minutes, the usual banter between two people who work together but otherwise know little about each other besides their work...oh how much fun that is. Actually my boss is pretty cool and as a result easy to talk to, it may help that he's maybe 6 or 7 years older than me. After a couple of minutes a prof from a nearby office came out with this twistable plastic toy. She made some comment about having it for the gen. chem. students when they come in, because a lot of them tend to cry and it's just easier on them if they have something to fidget with...great so if I do get an academic position I have that to look forward to. The way it twisted she said that it resembled a DNA helix, my boss however recognized that it was a circular loop and claimed it looked more like plasmid DNA...yup, we're geeking it up big time here folks!
Anyway after a couple of minutes chatting with the other prof she left and my boss realized something, not all of our meetings this term are in the same room (he should know, he made the schedule). In fact several meetings had us over in the other building, this was one of those meetings. Of course it always sucks to be the one who goes to the wrong room for a meeting, trust me I've done that many times before. What can I say, once I make something habitual I stop thinking about it in any great detail and minor changes mess it all up. But as I said in the opening line, at least I'm as dumb as my boss and was with him at the wrong room...though I think this just goes further to prove my point of PhDs being full of shit.
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