Thursday, October 06, 2005

A missed opportunity

Alright, you guys had your chance. Seriously, how many whinny posts from me were you going to put up with before you told me to suck it up? Damn, I've finally reached the point where I'm sick of my bellyaching...and since none of you decided to slap me up side of the head for being such an ass I guess I'll have to do it myself.

You know, it wouldn't have been all that hard, just something like: "You've got a really cool, really good looking girl who likes to spend time with you, quite your bitching."

So that's where I am now, sure I miss the giddiness that I had for the first while, but shit, that never lasts. I still catch myself just looking at her and smiling, hell I've out with her 6 times in less than two weeks, so it's all good, actually it's great.

So don't expect more crap about relationships from me on here. I'll let you know the good things that happen. And you will hear about it should things fall apart completely, but no more speculation...well, not for the rest of this week, I can keep that promise.

That being said, time to get this blog back to what I really wanted it to be, a fun look at life, not some serious brooding. So for those of you who want a laugh, and since I seem to be in a rather self deprecating mood, here's a little gem of a story from yesterday.

Late in the day I wanted to get a snack from one of the vending machines. I went to the attached library building and found the chocolate bar of my liking (it's a chocolate bar damn it, not a candy bar). Anyway I notice a hand written note on the machine saying it was broken, crap.

I don't want to search out another machine, and anyway, I've seen those signs before and they have been full of shit. I look closer, and notice that the note is over a slot designed to take money from your student maybe that's the only thing that isn't working...surely my dollar bill will work.

So sure enough I put it in, up comes the total on the screen $1.00, perfect, the Twix bar is only $0.80. So I press the buttons and...BEEP...the fucking thing doesn't work. So I figure, I'm at a loss here already, lets try a few other buttons...BEEP...BEEP...crap, I'm not getting shit from this.

At this point the universe decides to remind me that it isn't without a sense of humour, and knows just how to put you in your place real fast, thankfully I can laugh about it so I'm all good. So just before I turn around to leave, resigning my dollar and my potential snack, I hear from behind me: "The machine's broken, you see the note."

The astute commentator was the janitor as he pushed his garbage bin along. So, how many would have put money on the janitor being smarter than the postdoc? It goes to show you, a degree or two mean shit in the real world. Sure I have a PhD, but I thought I was smarter than the rest, now I'm out a know, this really fits well with my theme for the week of over-thinking everything!

Ah well, another buck paid into the stupidity tax...I've paid worse in the past (anyone remember the golf cart incident?) and this one certainly is a lot easier to laugh about right after the fact.


Blogger Colin Vitols said...

Yup, those usually happen to me if I'm in any danger of starting to believe that the degrees might actually mean I'm smart. Keeps me humble. :)


Okay, so it's a little late, but you want a smack upside the head, that's what you get. What are friends for? :)

7:20 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thast what happens when you crave chocolate.

8:38 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodness Chris, you just got to learn how to "work" those machines, one time a buddy and I got 32 free candy bars out of a vending machine, just let me know next time you want some chocolate ;)

9:12 a.m.


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