Sunday, September 25, 2005

The times they are a changing

From time to time I like to look back at the progress we humans have achieved in such a short period of time. It's interesting to think of a time when e-mail, blogs and cell phones were not the norm. Hell 5 years ago digital cameras were just starting out, now you can having one in your cell phone is common place. Though one can easily see and date technological advances there are sociological advances that have taken place over the last few decades that have been equally, if not more so, important, though sometimes harder to pinpoint when they occurred.

I think we can all agree that the advancements in equal rights (both for women and 'minorities') have been important contributors to our current social state. I don't think anyone is willing to say that doing such things was wrong...ok, there are those who would say that it was, but they would probably lose the argument to a tree so do they really count? And unfortunately though there are laws, there is still discrimination, I'd like to believe that we will eventually get passed it all, with each generation it seems to get a little bit better (now if only our generations were like those of a fruit fly, why it might be a perfect world by the end of the week). But it's not, yet despite the slow process of acceptance of change the changes keep moving forward.

The latest form of discrimination that is beginning to be swept away seems to be discrimination based upon sexual orientation. I'm very proud to be Canadian for the fact that we allow gay marriage. It is a sign of the intelligence and understanding of the Canadian people that the government is willing and able to pass such legislation. That being said, I wonder how long it will take for the US to catch up. Is there going to be some kind of underground gay railroad heading to Canada for weddings until the US starts to act like "the land of the free" (that phrase always cracks me up).

But I think we can all agree that gays be the next social group to have equal rights across the board...excluding theocratic states...humm 'in god we trust'...did they really separate god from state, or was it just the 'strange gods'? Anyway, the real point of this post isn't to bash the conservative nature of American politics, it's to ask all of you a question. Which group will be next to get equal rights? I see two front runners as candidates to escape the persecution that they have endured for ages: drug users and prostitutes.

If you look at it both have started to gain greater acceptance. Canadian laws are leading to the de-criminalization of marijuana possession and there are starting to be "safe injection" sites. And law enforcement tends to turn a blind eye towards prostitution, when was the last time you heard of a 'vice squad' busting 'Johns' like they used to in the 80s? In both cases the governments could actually profit from giving these groups equal rights. Taxing the products/services would be one way (wow that gives a whole new interpretation of the goods and services tax). Add to that the reduced cost in policing and there certainly would be a benefit.

Who knows, maybe I'm living in my own utopia, but I think it could happen, possibly in my lifetime. It certainly has the potential make those activities a lot safer for all parties. After all, if it is out in the open it may be a bit harder for some nut job to kill 20 or 30 prostitutes before anyone says anything. So what do you guys think, are these the next groups to be treated with equality, or have I overlooked a more likely candidate group?


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