Friday, September 23, 2005

And yet another blog to add to the list.

I think many of you should already known Michelle Trommelen if you were part of the U of A dance club. If not, here's you chance to get to know her. She has recently decided to revive a blog that she started some time ago. Currently she's living in Victoria B.C. and finishing off a Masters in Geology (I hope I got that right). Anyway I'd suggest that you drop by and check out her blog. Not only is she a very fun person to begin with, she's also TAing so you know that there's going to be good ranting material to come, and she does get to go to some really cool (or maybe cold is the better word) places, this past summer she was in Svalbard for her research.

As always a permanent link can be found on the sidebar of this page.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wowsers you are a regular pimp nowadays ;) and calm down you can go at least 3 for 3 you can have your moral victory ;)

I will try to not smoke you in the face tomorrow try and keep you as pretty as possible.

Guess who

10:07 a.m.

Blogger Christopher Robin said...

Thanks Lawrence, but in order to ensure that I'm as pretty as possible I won't be making it to dodgeball Saturday.

Acutally I won't be there because of the date, we are heading out that afternoon.

I hope you aren't too sad at not being able to thump me, if we play Monday night I'll be there to make it up to you ;)

10:48 a.m.


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