Monday, May 16, 2005

More funny things I've seen/learned

Ok so the last couple of posts have had a bit more complaining than they I'd like to have included in them. I've come to accept that the rest of my stuff may, or may not get here, no use in complaining about it further. So in an attempt to lighten the mood here are a few of the latest interesting/strange things I've learned while down here:

  1. I'm still not sure why they crossed the road, but when Canada Geese do it they honk the whole way across when you are biking nearby - what can I say even our geese are polite
  2. State police have US flags on their chests significantly larger then their badges - who needs to see a badge, all you need to know is that it's for the good of your country
  3. Most stores have signs saying that guns are not permited on the premises - does this mean that you would normally be allowed to take a gun into a store if the sign wasn't there?
  4. When getting on the bus there is a sign below the watch your step sign, stating that you may be photographed and/or audio recorded while on the bus - any bets that this is a new measure from the dept. of homeland security?
  5. Americans seem to be willing to watch any "sport" on tv, so long as it involves Americans - the other day in a restaurant on ESPN I saw really fat men debating the best fishermen of our time, followed by national high school athletic dance championships (not actually cheerleading, which would get better air time) two gentlemen in the restaurant made sure that they could see the tv clearly when they realized what was on
  6. Americans love to sign for things - they use "check cards" here far more than debit cards, it's the same damn thing, except that you have to sign for it and show picture id, still isn't it faster and more secure if you just use a secret code? After all it's so hard to fake id, just ask all the kids under 21 how they get their beer.
Anyway that's about it for now, as always I expect to learn more and more the longer I stay here. Somehow I feel like Uncle Mat from the Fraggles, now there's an interesting reference for the kids.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I think you broke the internets, your Fraggles link doesn't work so well.

Glad you're keeping your head above water. Why don't you just buy new stuff, Moneybags??

ps. Played any poker yet? Need to christen that table!

10:57 a.m.

Blogger Christopher Robin said...

Well if anyone could break the internet you know it would be me.

I'll get right on buying all new stuff, though the last paycheck I received was only for 3 days of work, so that may not go too far.

I've been trying to get in on a game down here but they haven't had room yet. Actually I forgot to get my parents to send down the table when they sent the espresso machine, thanks for the reminder.

2:30 p.m.


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