Monday, September 18, 2006

It was bound to happen.

My Canadian readers will have to let me know if this is just a US trend or if it has been allowed to cross the border. I started to notice last year that a few students on campus had these backpacks that were more like carry-on luggage. You know, the telescopic arm and wheels on the bottom. Well, it's getting more and more common around here. It seems the effort of actually carrying books is far too much exertion for these people. Ok, I know that some people have back issues and that this would help, but for most people I think the problem is just trying to carry too much stuff around. Personally I never carried a textbook to class and look at me now. So you probably don't need to carry all the textbooks you own when you only have two classes a day.

Anyway while getting lunch I finally saw what was in retrospect inevitable, someone was actually dragging around luggage. Frankly I don't care if you want to be lazy and would rather not carry your bag. Just don't mind me as I laugh when you try to use stairs. The part that annoys me is that you are dragging that damn bag three feet behind you. Now in an airport this is never a problem, mainly because people generally know where they are going and are aware of where their bags are how not to get in the way of others. Or maybe it's been long enough since I've flown that I've forgotten how bad people are? Regardless we all know how clueless most undergrads are, which is why I've already almost been tripped by some twit with one of these bags who decided to cut across my path. Now, why is it that I want to work in academia as a full time career?


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