Monday, September 11, 2006

I still hate UPS

Some of you may recall the fun that I had with trying to get UPS to ship my belongings to me when I first moved to Minneapolis. Well it seems that they are doing it to me again. Below is the key information from the UPS tracking site for a package that was being sent to me for my research:

09/08/2006 7:12 A.M. Out for delivery

09/08/2006 11:19 A.M. The Package was damaged in transit. UPS will notify the sender with the details.

09/08/2006 8:57 P.M. The package was left in a UPS facility causing this delay; forwarded to facility in destination city

So if I understand this properly they managed to damage the package before they forgot it on the shelf. Wow, these guys are really impressive! Though I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised, they are constantly trying to recruit the undergrads on campus, and we know how smart they are. Though the more I think about the last status update I have to wonder if it was just a generic update; because the package was already in the destination city...though it wouldn't be the first time they sent a package back without telling me.

I'm just pissy about this because I need that package to do my research and without it I may just as well have stayed in bed this morning. Ah, this is going to be a fun week!


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