The one downside to life...
We all know what that is, it is part of the definition of life; invariably one day we will all die. Yeah, I know a real happy way to start off a blog post, but sadly that seems to be the theme today. I learned today that Ryan, a friend from the U of A, died very suddenly recently. It's really kind of strange to hear something like that. Obviously I feel horrible for his family and close friends, to lose anyone is bad enough, for them to die unexpectedly leaves so much unsaid.
I can't say that I was close to Ryan. But the time that I spent in his company was good. He was younger than me at 22, I got to know him through his working in some of the chemistry labs. We played some soccer together and he was part of the "Burnd's Day" crowd. Though I don't know him well I can say that he was a genuinely friendly guy, always with a smile on his face and a positive attitude. Apparently he died of an infection to his heart, I don't have the details, it's all second hand and even unclear to those who are closer to the situation. All that I know is that it happened very suddenly, the first that some friends knew of anything being amiss was that he didn't show to a soccer practice.
Today I also found that Colin's dog of 14 years died recently. In this instance the deterioration in health was evident and the death was anticipated, not that it takes any of the pain out of it. Having buried a number of pets I can understand the sorrow that is felt. In a lot of way a pet is a best friend, how often do we find that kind of unconditional love?
All this serves to remind me how grateful I am for all that I have had in my life. I'm not religious, I don't believe in a god who is watching over us to keep us safe, I don't have any ideas what comes beyond life, if there is anything at all. And in a lot of ways for me that makes life here all the more precious. It is the only chance I have to say what needs to be said, to let those who are dear to me know as much. To be honest I don't know if I ever do say it enough; I love my family, my friends and all the people who have been a part of my life. You have all touched me, some in ways that you may not even realize. So tonight, or whenever you can, as soon as you can, find at least one of those people you care about. Hold them close and be honest with them, let them know what they mean to you, and to that as often as possible. The last chance isn't likely to come any time soon, I truly hope it does not, but when it comes, and it will, they will know how you felt and that honesty is a greater gift than anything else you can give another.
And remember even if I am not nearby, you all have a place in my heart and the relationship that has grown between us is worth more to me than I can express.
know what u mean. a teacher of mine passed away out of a sudden around this time last year (or earlier, i couldnt remember exactly when). he was only 43 when he passed away, leaving his wife n 3 kids, eldest only at the age of 12 at tht time, youngest around 4 - whom i think didnt seem to understd what'd happened to her dad.
And yet i see a lot of ppl who treat their parents without respect; ppl who dont appreciate the close ones who are actually those that care bout them most.
btw, i love ur last line..
9:33 a.m.
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