Friday, September 02, 2005


This is odd, not only was I in a funk most of yesterday and it almost seems to be there again today, but I really can't seem to get make a good post out of anything that I can think of today. So I think I'm going to try and do a little rambling and see where that goes. So without further ado, welcome the the mess that is running through my mind:

  • Last night I missed out on a group ride with the bike club, they were doing hills. I missed my bus and would have been too late to get there on time. So I decided to head out with friends from work to a bar, which I wanted to do but was torn between the need to get some energy out of my legs and to socialize. That being said I had fun at the bar but having way to many errands to take care of I had to ditch out early and seem to have missed out on some of the more entertaining parts of the night. The funny part is that though that does bug me, I wonder if I would have had as much fun anyway, in some ways I don't feel that I fit into that lifestyle as well anymore (but that may just have been the funk I was in)

  • Though this is completely horrible for some reason every time I think of what is going on in the wake of hurricane Katrina I think of the song by The Tragically Hip "New Orleans is Sinking" (yes I know I'm sick)

  • I am completely stunned that I now weigh 165 pounds. This is 10 pounds less than I was last summer when I was racing competitively and training all the time. On top of that I don't think I have lost any real amount of power with the weight. So does this mean that if I keep training less I will get even faster?

  • I'm really feeling that I have a lack of control over my life at the moment. Not sure really where this comes from, though I am trying to figure that part out, but I just don't feel like things are really how I want them to be, but I don't really know what I want. Yes, as I said before I am messed up.

  • I managed to blow up my microfluidic chip the other day at work! Turns out you can't heat the sucker up too fast, otherwise it makes a really neat popping sound, which just isn't good.

So that's mostly what's going through my mind at the moment. All I can say is this is turned out to be an odd end of the week. Which is really kind of a shame, since Wednesday night I had a great night, when a friend treated me to a sushi dinner for my birthday and we extended that into a really rich fondue desert and a walk by a lake. So hopefully I can get my mind back to a place that is less of a funk (wow I have used funk a lot in this post) shortly. The funny part is that think I have to give up some of the control that I am trying to have in order to get there, how that for a catch 22?

Ah well, it's the weekend so hopefully some good riding and a few dodgeballs to the head will straighten things out for me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a quickie on the wieght issue, if you are not training as hard, you are likely losing muscle mass, which weights more than fat, and while you are not gaining fat tissue you are still losing wieght. your speed may not be affects as you wieght less, so it takes less energy to move you on your bike (and you may have changed/imporved some technique in there too) so all is all, things are status quo.... sort of.
how did your hit on the waitress go? and any thursday weddings yet?

2:54 p.m.

Blogger Colin Vitols said...

Wow... Funky. :P Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Seriously, though, I get into those sorts of states, too. They usually manage to work themselves out sooner or later, they just don't seem like it at the time. Kind of another Catch-22, isn't it? :)

Anyway, hope you're feeling more together soon! And don't forget, my phone line, just like my door, is always open. :)

3:58 p.m.

Blogger Christopher Robin said...

Anonymous - I would agree that there may have been some muscle loss, though looking at my body I have lost most of the fat I was carrying around the waist. To get a real gauge on whether or not the loss of mass is beneficial I would need to get on a power meter and see what I can put out. But all in all it feels good and it is a psychological advantage at the very least. And no, the waitress wasn't there and honestly I don't really care at this point anyway, there are some other better options. And no more weddings as of yet.

Colin - Thanks man, I always know that you are there for me, but it's good to hear it.

9:28 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you fall and break your legs. Oh wait, sorry Chris. I meant that comment for Lance Armstrong.
I'm glad you're okay now! :)


9:42 p.m.

Blogger Christopher Robin said...

Karmon - I was not saying that I was fat, simply that there was some pugyness around my waist which was unusual. But I'm not complaining about my weight, I know how much trouble that can get me into. Thanks for writing.

10:22 a.m.


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