Monday, September 18, 2006

Busy weekend

Well that was a fun weekend. I pretty much spent the entirety of my conscious hours this weekend in my office, which really sucks ass because it was a nice weekend (at least from what I could see through the little window I have) and it would have been nice to get some riding in. But I'm in a huge crunch in terms of time. It is reaching the crunch time to apply for academic positions for next year. So that means that I need a full research proposal to send off to any schools I would like to work at. I mean sure I would be happy to be paid to just teach at the university level, but I've got too many good research ideas just to give up on them. So for now I need to get this done which means working my ass off while trying not to expand it too much with massive amounts of junk food.

All in all the proposal writing is coming along nicely. As I'm working on it the idea continues to evolve into something that not only looks like it's fundable but also something that could actually work...or maybe I'm just sleep deprived? But it has been fun, I've had a few moments of pure joy when I found a paper that supported my purely intuitive reason towards the function of the human body. Oh yeah, my research proposal is based on an analytical method to detect doping in endurance athletes. What can I say, as a cyclist of pissed at guys like Hamilton, Heras, Millar and Landis cheating and winning. So if I can do my part to help clean the sport up why not, after all Dopers Suck!

Anyway through all this Deirdre has been really supportive and helpful in keeping me motivated even when things seemed to be way too much to get through. Which is why it's all that much more exciting that I'm going out to visit her this weekend!!! After all it will be a year since our first date, and for me that hasn't happened before so that deserves some celebration.

So with that I have to get back to the grind. Hopefully I'll post another blog or two before the weekend, but you can bet your ass that there won't be anything posted until after Sunday.


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